

it's summer!!! im soo craving for beach and beach and beach! grrrrrrrr.
im havin summer classes from apr7-may16.
gawd. im gon' miss the happenings back in my hometown! but it's ok coz on the brighter side, i believe i will really learn a lot this summer. no, not a lot but BIG.hehe I have two subjects: Digital Circuits and Computer Organization. Plus the proffesors are great-Sir Yamit and Engr. Laud. Good for me. hehehe. :D
Anyway, my upcoming birthday is what bugs my mind these days. it'll be my debut in a month from now! I'm really pressured because my friends [i'm reffering to Davao friends] are really expecting for a celebration but we're financially unstable [mother told me]. So right now, Im starting not to expect much on that day. All I want is to be with the most treasured persons in my life..my friends..my supahfriends in Anibs, my IT buddies, and my hiskul peers. For my birthday, my wish will not be something for myself, but for my family. Why? Simply because I have caused a lot of pain to them, and we have really gone through dramatic situations recently. sigh.
I have so much to encode here but I think I'l just keep it to myself for private reasons. hehe.
I'l just end this with the quote;
"The more bitter the desert experience, the sweeter the water of the oasis."
-our daily bread.
God bless! :)

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